Hip Openers for Everyone: July 2017
Location: yogaworks Larchmont
Address: 230 North Larchmont Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90004
Contact: 323.464.1276
Dates: Saturday – July 8, 2017
Time: 2:00PM – 5:00PM
Cost: $45 Early Bird/ $55 day of class
ALL LEVELS WELCOME. Some yoga experience required.
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Event Details
We will briefly review how the hips function and learn about the different muscle groups and their direction of movement. Unique to this workshop is the attention paid to the Chakras involved in this area and the emotional qualities that may be blocked due to correlating tightness. Be prepared to move and be prepared for some long holds in poses as we allow a true stretch that permits any suppressed mental/emotional garbage to be released from the body. Lastly, be prepared to experience more space, freedom and happiness in the body, and quite likely, more of the same in the mind!
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[dt_button animation=”scale” size=”big” color=”” link=”https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=-11&stype=-8&sTG=43&sVT=60&sView=day&sLoc=12&sTrn=11086&date=07/08/17″ target_blank=”true”]Register Here![/dt_button]
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