Yoga Classes for All Levels & Schedules
There is more than one way to practice yoga. Follow what feels right for you.

As the world and technology keeps changing, I am grateful to participate in a variety of methods to share my teachings with you. You can join classes live, at your own home or in-person, and on- demand to fit your schedule. We also have classes via membership platforms, and some with no movement at all for juicy, inspiring philosophy.
The “who” that you are after a practice is closer to the “who” you are meant to be, compared to the “who” you were when you walked into the room. This is the gift of yoga. All of my offerings have this intention as the end goal. I strive for you to realize your Higher Essence and remember that there is more to life than what you see and think.
See you on the mat.

Tantra Flow Yoga™ Livestream

On-Demand Library