Deepen your yoga practice & connect

Practice with Jeanne

Let’s bring
deep respect & fun to your practice

Welcome. Come on in. I am so happy to have you here.

If you are looking for advanced teacher trainings that take you beyond the layer of asana, this space is for you. If you are looking to dive deeper into a specific philosophical topic or a nuanced aspect of practice, this space is for you. If you are looking for fun asana classes that weave in subtle aspects of the ancient yoga practice, this space is for you. Together, we will explore the world of yoga while also living in this physical world, using the joys and challenges as opportunities to grow and evolve.

As the Los Angeles-based founder of Tantra Flow Yoga® mentor, training and workshop facilitator, and global educator, I bring this knowledge to you, sprinkling joy and humor through the process.

I’m honored to be practicing and teaching on this long path and excited to share the wisdom gained from my many teachers with you.

jeanne teaching yoga class

Yoga & Meditation

Available online & on-demand.  Move your body with wise alignment, creative sequencing, accessing inner energy and connecting to your soul.

jeanne leading teacher training session

Teacher Trainings

Tantra Flow Yoga® has 300-hour, 200-hour and 50-hour teacher trainings packed with easy to digest Tantric wisdom.  

jeanne and group of people at an event

Upcoming Events

Retreats, workshops, festivals, guest teaching, short-term trainings; offered locally and internationally, created with love and care.

Practice with Jeanne Online!

You are invited to join Jeanne for livestream or on demand classes where she weaves in aspects of the subtle body through a fun flowing experience.


Learn More
Happy Birthday in Heaven my beautiful friend, Tess Marie Daley. I miss you so much, longing for our deep talks and your ability to help me laugh at the world. I hope that you are having a lovely day, basking in beauty and being treated like a queen. You deserve it.

#happyheavenlybirthday #bff #gonetoosoon #lifedoesntmakesense #holdontofaith #tbt #imissyou
If you missed our Free Info Session for the Peeling the Layers of the Chakras training that took place earlier today, no worries! Your questions can still be answered, we recorded it. DM me and I'll send you the recording to watch at your convenience. 

If you are wondering how we can establish world peace, well, this training is a start! (That is actually not a joke, peace is an inside job.)

#peelingthelayersofthechakras #chakras #teachertraining #advanceyourpractice #thereismoretoyogathanasana #thisisthemore #freeinforsession #getthedetails #youcandoit #worldpeacestartsfromtheinside
Breaking the myth of the Third Chakra, Manipura Chakra.  It’s not just fire, it’s shining so bright you inspire others. 

Join me in the Peeling the Layers of the Chakras training to connect to your Higher Consciousness so that nothing can stop you from living a joyful life. 
See Link in my BIO for more details…
Lovely Yogis - I am teaching all of my regular classes this week - plus - a FREE INFO SESSION for the upcoming Peeling the Layers of the Chakras training. The info session will be offered livestream and be recorded, so sign up to get the recording. ⠀
Let's deepen our practices so that the true essence of yoga flows through us.⠀
(See Links in my BIO for easy info.)⠀
#seeyouonthemat #yogathisweek #keeppracticing #breathedeep #asana #pranayama #meditation #findjoyeverywhere #tantraflowyoga #peelingthelayersofthechakras⠀
📷: @robertsturman
Today is a full moon day specifically attributed to honoring one's teachers, especially if you are in a lineage of devoted practitioners.⠀
I pay homage to the teacher who taught that it's OK to be human, Pandit Rajmani Tigunait. He teaches with a compassion that inspires to get up and keep going, even when things are hard. Thank you so much.⠀
I also honor so many teachers who live within me and reveal themselves while I am teaching or practicing: Sally Kempton, @induaroraoffical , @drrobertsvoboda,  @drkattyjane Kofi Busia, @rodstrykerofficial, @erich_shiffmann, @desyoga , @tiaslittle , @lisa.walford, @anniecarpentersmartflow and @carrieowerko .⠀
My students are often better yogis than I (yet we don't compare) so I am inspired to keep growing to keep up with their evolution. ⠀
And I bow down to the Divine Mother, who holds me in Her lap, (She holds you, too,) always with me through life's ups and downs, loving me through the lessons. ⠀
It's a special day today. Send some love to someone who has encouraged you to grow past your comfort zone. ⠀
#gurupurnima #fullmoon #specialday #gratitude #thankyou #alwaysastudent #keepgrowing #tantraflowyoga
You can find safety and security inside yourself. It's there, waiting for you. Breathe deep, you've got this.

#rootchakra #getgrounded #feetandlegs #staylow #apanavayu #LAM #peelingthelayersofthechakras #tantraflowyoga #electionseasonsurvivial
#tbt to that time when I was teaching outside of Oslo, Norway for @beyogastudio . I was struggling with jet lag and couldn't land, mixed with teaching 8+-hour days with hours prior and after preparing and other admin work. I was becoming increasingly intense and serious. ⠀
So, my beautiful, smart, and wonderful hostess, @jannice_strand took me to a very special meadow outside of the town, even though I wanted to go home and work some more. She slowed me down and got me looking at the sky. We sat on the grass and watched clouds. She got me to pause.⠀
Jannice, I don't think I shared how helpful that evening was for me. I remember my soul being able to see your wisdom, and seeing how I was getting in my own way. Thank you, this is still a very special memory.⠀
Us yoga teachers may know a lot, and we also can forget some of the wisdom because we get caught up in being human. One always benefits from fellow friends reminding us to get out of our head and into our heart. ⠀
What do you do to help yourself chill and soften?....⠀
#pittaseason #heartofthematter #getoutdoors #freshair #eveningtime #cloudwatcher #timewiselyspent #beyogastudio #ilovenorway #tantraflowyoga #kinddeedsnevergounnoticed⠀
The first time I offered the Peeling the Layers of the Chakras course was in 2022. The feedback I received from the students was abundantly positive, they were blown away with all of the material that they learned. While I have been posting some fun videos that bring humor to the topic, don't mistake that there is a seriousness and depth to the knowledge that I bring to this topic. Humor is a powerful teaching tool, in addition to many other tools in my kit.⠀
If you are interested in deepening your practice and connecting to your Higher Consciousness, this training is for you. If you would like to do something positive during this chaotic time on the planet, this training is for you. You won't be sorry, I promise. ⠀
at @centerforyogala and online and on demand⠀
See my BIO for Link with details.⠀
DM me with any questions⠀
#peelingthelayersofthechakras #chakras #tantra #yogaisaninsidejob #keeplearning #keepgrowing #tantraflowyoga #om
This 50-hour course can be taken in person, or livestream, or on demand.  So you CAN do it.  And when you learn how to work with the essence of each chakra, you are empowered to handle life with grace and appreciation.

See my BIO for Link to details. 
Early Bird Discount ends 7/26/24.
Oh, my lovely Friends and Yogis, we are IN it. And the IT we are in may likely get wilder before it tames down. How do you tend to yourself so that you can connect to your Self so that you can see the IT with a clear perspective?⠀
Move and breathe the body. It clears trauma, purifies and heals. The movement doesn't have to be sweaty, it just needs to be connected with your breath.⠀
Pause and be still to notice the mind and its noise. Then using techniques - see me, I've got a bunch - you can move through any disturbances towards your heart. Connect to your heart.⠀
This week the classes will be attending to the theme of the Second Chakra, Swadhisthana Chakra, who's element is water. Let's soften our approach to manage our heat and stress. (And by the way, softer doesn't necessarily mean easier. For some, adding compassion is a really difficult task.)⠀
See Links in my BIO for details...⠀
#weeklyschedule #yogapractice #swadhisthanachakra #secondchakra #belikewater #ebbandflow #staycool #tantraflowyoga #ridingthewaves