Deepen your yoga practice & connect

Practice with Jeanne

Let’s bring
deep respect & fun to your practice

Welcome. Come on in. I am so happy to have you here.

If you are looking for advanced teacher trainings that take you beyond the layer of asana, this space is for you. If you are looking to dive deeper into a specific philosophical topic or a nuanced aspect of practice, this space is for you. If you are looking for fun asana classes that weave in subtle aspects of the ancient yoga practice, this space is for you. Together, we will explore the world of yoga while also living in this physical world, using the joys and challenges as opportunities to grow and evolve.

As the Los Angeles-based founder of Tantra Flow Yoga® mentor, training and workshop facilitator, and global educator, I bring this knowledge to you, sprinkling joy and humor through the process.

I’m honored to be practicing and teaching on this long path and excited to share the wisdom gained from my many teachers with you.

jeanne teaching yoga class

Yoga & Meditation

Available online & on-demand.  Move your body with wise alignment, creative sequencing, accessing inner energy and connecting to your soul.

jeanne leading teacher training session

Teacher Trainings

Tantra Flow Yoga® has 300-hour, 200-hour and 50-hour teacher trainings packed with easy to digest Tantric wisdom.  

jeanne and group of people at an event

Upcoming Events

Retreats, workshops, festivals, guest teaching, short-term trainings; offered locally and internationally, created with love and care.

Practice with Jeanne Online!

You are invited to join Jeanne for livestream or on demand classes where she weaves in aspects of the subtle body through a fun flowing experience.


Learn More
Lovely Yogis,⠀
 I will be taking a Rest Day on Monday after completing the Peeling the Layers of the Chakras training, and soon to teach in the @centerforyogala 200-Hour Teacher Training later this week. One must manage one's energy to prevent depletion, which can lead to illness and negativity. Yoga teaches us to take care of ourselves foremost. This is how we keep our Prana Bank full. ⠀
So, I'm steady with the Tantra Flow Yoga classes and will be back in person at @centerforyogala on Wednesday.⠀
We have some fun things to explore in the realm of maintaining a balanced mind, breath and body. Life certainly can challenge that, and that is a good thing! Opportunmities to increase our positive qualities! Yahoo!⠀
Come join me in all ways. Mostly, it will be joyous.⠀
See Links in my BIO for all the details to join....⠀
#yogathisweek #practiceyoga #layoga #yogagirl #balance #equanimity #mindbodyspirit #openyourheart #expandyourbreath #staycool #domoreyoga #centerforyogala #tantraflowyoga #happinessonastick⠀
Today is the last day of Peeling the Layers of the Chakras, a 50-hour training that has spent a whole day on each Chakra to explore all aspects of each energy center from a variety of perspectives and practices. ⠀
Thanks to technology, I have been able to teach this training to people in person + livestream. This permitted many in Europe and one in India to join us from the coziness of their couch and bed. The course is also available on demand, which has made it possible for a few students who are currently pulled to the needs of friends or family. ⠀
Teaching in person is the best thing ever because you can read the energy of a student by seeing more than one dimension. And, I have found a way to make teaching online and on demand work so that others don't get left out.⠀
I remember years ago, us yoga teachers thought it to be horrendous to teach this type of material online. Actually, to teach any yoga online was judged as not as professional as in person. And, just like everyone else, yoga teachers have needed to become flexible and let go of perceived ideals, keeping a forward motion to the teachings. ⠀
These students now have a month's worth of homework which mostly consists of practice. That practice mostly consists of a seated practice, to let this material now do its work. I am grateful for each student who has joined us and can't wait to see how things develop for them in the proper time.⠀
#peelingthelayersofthechakras #tantra #subtlebody #chakras #nadis #pranavayus #meditation #thereismoretoyogathanasana #thisisthemore #centerforyogala #tantraflowyoga #ajna #om⠀
📷: @wandawensoolip ⠀
Happy Ganesha Chaturthi!

This is the celebration of Ganesha's Birthday that is also the start of a 10-day festival in India honoring this deity.

Ganesha is the elephant-headed, chubby-bodied god who rides on the back of a mouse. He is the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. People call on him to remove obstacles on the path, and when they are about to begin something new. Sometimes you will see a Ganesha statue at the door of a business or home, to ward off negativity. 

He is also a bit mischievous. If we don't honor him, he will put obstacles on our path.

The image of him itself is an obstacle, for he is not the best-looking deity on the block. So, if people choose to discount him based on appearance, (as humans do with other humans,) Ganesha will often add some extra challenges. Our lesson - don't ever make a value judgment based on what you see, look deeper inside.

You can pay homage to him by simply pulsing the very accessible mantra: OM GAM GANAPATI NAMAHA. May you feel some extra support today in honor of Ganesha. 

#ganeshachaturthi #omgamganapatiom #happybirthday #specialday #startanew #payhomage #respect #askforhelp #blessings #tantraflowyoga #thisisyogatoo
Come join me to celebrate autumn on the East Coast over the Columbus Day/Indigenous People’s Day holiday weekend. 

Reunite With Your Subtle Body is our theme. You will learn about the Pranavayus, the Nadis, Chakras, Mantra and more - through the lens of your practice and then I to stillness. 

Students who have studied this material with me are blown away with the discovery of the world within.  We will be in an idyllic setting with lots of breaks to be outside in Nature. 

See the link in my BIO for more.  DM me w any questions. 

#subtlebody #reunitewithyoursubtlebody #yogaretreat #itsallyoga #thereismoretoyogathanasana #thisisthemore #selfcare #meditation #pranayama #pranavayus #innerwisdom #kripalu #InTheBerkshires #tantraflowyoga #investinyourself
Paper towels can help keep your dandelion greens fresh.  And you can re-use them for the cucumbers or other watery veggies to lengthen their lifespan. 

#healthytip #eatfreshfood #dandeliongreens #medicine #cleansing #stayfresh #creativecooking #tantraflowyoga #reuseyourpapertowels
When I took my first yoga teacher training, back in 1996, I thought I would teach one class a week and get a big job at Time Warner.  Ha!

What I didn't realize is that the teacher training didn't give me a career in teaching yoga; part of that was likely karma, dharma and fate. The training gave me my own yoga practice for life. 

No matter how my life unfolds, even if something happens and I end up no longer teaching, I have a deep relationship with moving my body safely and learning how to align my mind so that it doesn't drive me crazy.

A yoga teacher training is not just for those who want to be yoga teachers. It is primarily to help you understand all of the components of practicing yoga wisely so that you are safe wherever life takes you. And if some of your friends want you to share your yoga with them, you can with skill and grace. 

This Friday is the first day of a 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training that I am co-teaching with @ashleyrideaux  at @centerforyogala. If you were thinking about joining us, I will share that it may be one of the best decisions you ever make. That's a huge statement, and most students express that sentiment at the end of the training. Come join us.

September 6 - November 24, 2024
See Link in my BIO for details. 
DM me with questions.

#yogateachertraining. #yogapractice #learntoteach #teachtolearn #backtoschool #centerforyoga #bestdecisionever #tantraflowyoga #ilovemystudents
Happy September, Everyone!⠀
This week I am teaching a limited in-person schedule because I'm finishing the second half of Peeling the Layers of the Chakras over the weekend. And today, Monday, is an earlier time slot so that those in LA can have their picnics and festivities. ⠀
We are moving into a theme of Balance to strengthen the ability to find centering amidst things going well and not so well. In between the easy and difficult dwells Truth. I'll meet you there.⠀
To sign up for classes, see Links in my BIO.⠀
#layoga #yogateacher #yogapractice #asana #meditation #pranayama #tantra #balance #equanimity #buddhi #tantraflowyoga #comeasyouare
Happy Sunday! happy Labor Day Weekend to those in the US! 

I hope you have a lovely day that includes a little bit of relaxing and peace.  Maybe do some yoga outdoors and savor the waning summer season. (Hint! Hint!)

I’m gonna spend my day quietly before a full week that starts with teaching at 10:00 am tomorrow on Labor Day at @centerforyogala . 

If your day is exciting and adventurous or quiet and spacious, look for sweet simple moments.  Life teaches us that the simple moments are the most precious. ✨

#tbt of teaching at @bendyogafestival , wearing the fabulous @iamsouljour t-shirt. 

#labordayeeekend #relax #dosomenothing #tantraflowyoga #sundayvibes
Mercury is coming out of Retrograde and not always smooth. Hang in there. Love anyways.
It was just a few months ago that I lead a retreat with a beautiful group of yogis in Southern Portugal. In many ways, my “summer” began in late April when I traveled overseas for a month, teaching at a number of different locations.⠀
Since then, I have been back in Los Angeles and teaching my full schedule consistently. I didn’t do a lot of “fun” summer things this year, it was filled with lots of teaching and admin stuff. As I see people sharing about their wonderful summer, it could be easy to view this season as a lost cause.⠀
And then this photo from the retreat showed up on my memory thingy and I smiled. We had such a magical time. Every single person was a perfect fit who brought laughter, kindness, fresh perspectives, and touched hearts. I am grateful to these students and to @shama_yoga_retreats for the magical experience.⠀
Sometimes what we have looks different from the rest of the world. But it’s yours, and the more you look, the more beautiful it becomes.⠀
#tbt #yogaretreats #retreatwithme #ilovemystudents #climbintothecaveofyourheart #tantra #meditation #practiceyoga #shamaretreats #tantraflowyoga⠀