Meditation and the Mind;
Strengthening the Art of Concentration
A 50-Hour Training to develop a calm and steady mind with Jeanne Heileman of Tantra Flow Yoga®
February 7 – 9 and Feb. 28 – March 2, 2025
9:00 – 4:00 pm PST
In person at Center for Yoga in Los Angeles, Livestream via Zoom, and On Demand.
A 50-hour training that helps you develop the strength for concentration, the ability to harness the mind and control its movement.
Controlling the mind is one of the most difficult forms of practice, and also, the most powerful.
Tantrics work with energy and use their knowledge to reshape it for positive intentions. Thus, they believe in using thoughts as a vehicle for higher transformation. They do not stop troubling thoughts but instead, go towards them to transform them.
Thoughts are extremely subtle vibrations that affect how we breathe. This breathing rhythm ripples to affect our body’s physiology. These same thought patterns ripple into our words and actions, which then contribute to our destiny.

“yatha Brahmanda tathe bindande”
The world inside you is the same as the world outside you.
The world outside you is the same as the world inside you.
According to Tantra philosophy, if you don’t like what you see in your life, one turns inwards and clears up the inner life. This internal change will attract more of the same in the outer world. The ability to manage and even re-shape the mind can change your whole world.
Our happiness depends on the ability to manage and steady the mind. When we can maintain a one-pointed focus, amidst any type of chaos and stress, we cultivate a calmer nervous system and access a sense of Wisdom from deep within.
This module introduces the student to the Lower Mind’s vibrations, the Manomaya Kosha. Techniques are introduced to stabilize the activity to that we can see Truth.

We meet for two, three-day sessions. Each day starts with an asana practice that focuses on a specific aspect of the mind, leading to corresponding practices to cultivate concentration, (Dharana.)
After a break we will review covered material and be introduced to a variety of topics that include and are not limited to:
• Thorough examination of the mind and its anatomy. Students will learn how to identify specific elements in action and gain tools to dismantle the behavior, gaining greater control over the mind;
• How Mantra has worked for thousands of years as a tool to transform the energy of the busy mind and access clarity and discernment;
• Tantric Kriyas used to change one’s energy and access higher realms of awareness;
• Tools to strengthen Ekagrata, (one-pointed concentration) the necessary step towards meaningful meditation;
• The powerful state of Pratyahara, the withdrawal from outer and inner distractions, and how to establish this state within oneself;
• The skill of Vichara, the ancient technique of inner cleansing for a yogi’s mind, tracing any negativity to its source and addressing the very origin for complete removal and evolution;
• Tantric Meditations that lead one to access their Higher Awareness.
Strengthening the Art of Concentration
A 50-Hour Training to develop a calm and steady mind
with Jeanne Heileman of Tantra Flow Yoga®
February 7 – 9 and Feb. 28 – March 2, 2025 | 9:00 – 4:00 pm PST with breaks throughout
In person at Center for Yoga in Los Angeles
And Livestream via Zoom
And On Demand.
General Schedule, Subject to Change:
What You Get From the Course:
Upon completing the training and homework, students will leave the six days with the following:
• Stronger skills of concentration, (Dharana) with a variety of exercises to maintain one-pointed command;
• Experience with a variety of mantras as powerful medicine and tools for concentration;
• Confidence in establishing a Sankalpa, (intention for the soul) and maintaining the focus towards a goal amidst any distraction;
• A tool-kit of meditation techniques to use when needed;
• Experience working with a specific Bija Mantra to experience its full potential
• 50-hours of continuing education credits from Tantra Flow Yoga® that can be applied to Yoga Alliance or any other educational organization.
Recommended Books for the Course:
• Ayurveda and the Mind; The Healing of Consciousness, by David Frawley
• Path of Fire and Light; Advance Practices of Yoga, Volume Two, by Swami Rama
• The Power of Mantra & The Mystery of Initiation, by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
• The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, (any translation will work)
We meet for two, three-day sessions; live in person, and Livestream via Zoom. Each day will be video-recorded and available for students to view On Demand until April 2, 205. There will also be an option to purchase the whole course for lifetime access. Thus, the training can work for students in other timezones and varying schedules.
Homework that involves practice, reading and writing will be assigned for those who want the Yoga Alliance 50-hour continuing education credits, and for those who want credits applied to the Tantra Flow Yoga® 300-Hour Teacher Training.
Tantra Flow Yoga® believes that the teachings should be available to all bodies and makes an extra effort of accessibility for BIPOC souls. We are offering two full-scholarships and two 50%-scholarships; priority will be given to BIPOC applicants.
Interested students are invited to submit a two-page essay explaining their yoga background, why they are interested in learning this material, and how they intend to use the knowledge gained, to: Jeanne Heileman, [email protected]. Scholarship deadline is January 24, 2025.