Larchmont Center For Yoga: A Tantric Core Morning Series

Weekend with Jeanne Heileman: Isle of Man UK

Dates: Friday 9th – Sunday February 11, 2018
Venue: The Studio – King Edward Bay Golf Club, Groudle. Onchan.

Menu of Workshops Below


Short but very Sweet, Sweaty, Friday Flow

Date: Friday, February 9, 2018
Time: 6:00PM – 7:00PM
Cost: £20 – All Levels welcome.

Come join Jeanne for a perfect wind-down from your week and the perfect preparation for your weekend. In this 75-minute Master Class your body will flow, unlocking the hips, elongating the torso, freeing the shoulders and opening the heart. Followed after by a juicy Savasana. Come along and enjoy! You don’t have to do anything; we will UN-do everything.

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Tantra To Set The Chakras Free – MORNING

Date: Saturday, February 10, 2018
Time: 9:30AM-12:30PM
Cost: £45 – All levels welcome.

This DAY-WORKSHOP will be held Saturday morning/afternoon and expands into a deep practice with the Chakras. A handout on the Chakras is included in the workshop.

Focuses on Chakras – ONE to THREE – for that is where most of our awareness resides and where most of us are stuck. We close with the expanded lightness from the Fourth Chakra. Students will be lead through a strong asana practice focusing on standing poses, hip openers, core strengthening, into healing backbends.

We will be introduced to Bandha work (energy locks), Pranavayus (energy channels), Mantra, Pranayama (breathing techniques) and will end in a Tantric meditation.

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Tantra To Set The Chakras Free: Afternoon

Date: Saturday, February 10, 2018
Time: 2:00PM-4:30PMpm
Cost: £45 – All Levels welcome.

Touches on the mornings practice and then proceeds to Chakras FIVE to SEVEN – the more subtle planes of awareness. Students will move through a practice focusing on supported inversions, Pranayama and Meditation. In addition to the earlier techniques mentioned, Mantra (chanting) and a guided Tantric meditation through all of the Chakras will close the day.

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Cost: £80
A handout on the Chakras is included in the Day Workshop. Jeanne and I would love you to join us for the day and would highly recommend to get the most out of the practices being taught, you will feel amazing guaranteed.

Priority plus a 10% Discount will be given to students who attend both morning and afternoon sessions, highly recommended.

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Workshop: Working With The Wall

Date: Sunday February 11, 2018
Time: 10:00AM-1:00PM
Cost: £45 – All Levels welcome.

Based on Iyengar yoga techniques, this workshop uses the wall as a strong and informative source of support. We will begin with simple poses to warm up the body and move into easy and demanding standing poses, feeling the power of the back leg and the support of the wall. Based on the level of the class, we then move into backbends, inversions and a variety of twists and forward folds to cool things down.

Students learn how to remain stable and steady even in the most challenging yoga poses. Easy and difficult poses are explored and everyone’s level of practice is increased.

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+ Phone: 07624416654 or Email: [email protected]
+ Payments can also be made either through direct transfer, cheque or cash.
+ Please contact Esther to receive a booking form or for more information. Once payment is received, your booking will be confirmed.

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