Deepen your yoga practice & connect

Practice with Jeanne

Let’s bring
deep respect & fun to your practice

Welcome. Come on in. I am so happy to have you here.

If you are looking for advanced teacher trainings that take you beyond the layer of asana, this space is for you. If you are looking to dive deeper into a specific philosophical topic or a nuanced aspect of practice, this space is for you. If you are looking for fun asana classes that weave in subtle aspects of the ancient yoga practice, this space is for you. Together, we will explore the world of yoga while also living in this physical world, using the joys and challenges as opportunities to grow and evolve.

As the Los Angeles-based founder of Tantra Flow Yoga® mentor, training and workshop facilitator, and global educator, I bring this knowledge to you, sprinkling joy and humor through the process.

I’m honored to be practicing and teaching on this long path and excited to share the wisdom gained from my many teachers with you.

jeanne teaching yoga class

Yoga & Meditation

Available online & on-demand.  Move your body with wise alignment, creative sequencing, accessing inner energy and connecting to your soul.

jeanne leading teacher training session

Teacher Trainings

Tantra Flow Yoga® has 300-hour, 200-hour and 50-hour teacher trainings packed with easy to digest Tantric wisdom.  

jeanne and group of people at an event

Upcoming Events

Retreats, workshops, festivals, guest teaching, short-term trainings; offered locally and internationally, created with love and care.

Practice with Jeanne Online!

You are invited to join Jeanne for livestream or on demand classes where she weaves in aspects of the subtle body through a fun flowing experience.


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I am excited to announce that the retreat with @internationalyoga to Ladakh, India is now open for registration! ⠀
Join me in a positively life-changing experience to the most northern part of India where we will sit amongst Tibetan Buddhist monks and deepen our practice in all ways. Space is limited and I would love to share this with you. ⠀
A Journey for the Soul;⠀
Retreat to Ladakh, India⠀
July 12 - 21, 2025⠀
See Link in BIO for details⠀
#retreatwithme #yogaadventures #yogaretreat #ladakh #littletibet #ajourneyforthesoul #meditation #yoga #opentheheart #letsgo #internationalyoga #tantraflowyoga
Happy Birthday to my beautiful sister, @valderdenise ! 

She had been the rock that has kept our whole family together, first spending her time and energy caring for my father until he passed, and now for my mother.  All of this tending to each parent, while tending to her own children, her household, and her career. 

It is hard to be so far away from my mum while she goes through the last stages of her life.  It is a whole other kind of hard witnessing it, while dealing with insurance, closing out Mum’s apartment, arranging new housing, doctor appointments, and so much more. 

Dearest @valderdenise , may you feel celebrated today and always.  You are a true jewel in our life. 💕

 #happybirthday #sisters #iloveyou #jewelinthehaystack
Anyone looking for a yoga retreat for next March?....⠀
I had the sincere honor to co-teach my very first yoga teacher training with the esteemed @natasharizopoulos when CFY was part of YogaWorks, back in 2006. It was the first time for both of us. While we both came from very different styles of practice, we ended up agreeing on so much regarding smart and sincere yoga teaching. We became fast friends.⠀
Natasha is leading a retreat in Mexico next year, March 8 - 14. My next retreat is in July in India (more on that soon,) so this doesn't conflict at all. You should probably do both. ⠀
Link: (copy and paste for ease)⠀
You will have a great time, be lovingly cared for, and learn a whole lot about asana and life. Highly recommended. Tell her I sent you. ⠀
#yogaretreat #natasharizopoulos #retreatinmexico #treatyourself #youareworthit
We are in Day/Night Six of the Hindu season of Navaratri, the nine nights devoted to celebrating the Divine Mother.

Today is dedicated to Katyayani, the attribute who was born from the Third Eye of an ancient sage. Due to her method of birth, She has the ability to see things clearly with the inner eye of wisdom and focus.This enables Her to drive out evil spirits and remove obstacles. With a slash of her sword she can cut evil from our mind.

Each of these nine nights (and days) honors a feature of the Ultimate Mother, who is mother to all of us. As we turn to the different forms, each one offers tools to help us in different ways through this time.

The suggestion today is to try to be like honey, (Her offering) and let things in the mind roll through as your hold onto your own inner sweetness. Try to see things from a higher perspective, try to see things as if She is looking through your eyes. How would She see the world, (which She created)?..... 

I love this perspective. Even in the most difficult experiences and when dealing with challenging people, try to remember that She created it all. There is beauty, we just need to start seeing from a place of wisdom and less from our personality. 

Happy Day Six to you! May you "see" more clearly today.

#navaratri #katyayani #bornofthethirdeye #ajnachakra #thirdeye #seemoreclearly #seefromyourheart #lakshmi #durga #omdumdurgayenamaha #tantraflowyoga
Lovely Yogis - I am still in AZ tending to family needs, and it looks like I will be returning back to LA later this week. So, I will be teaching in person on Friday and Saturday at @centerforyogala⠀
For Tantra Flow Yoga students, check out the class, Working To Process Anger and Fear via on demand. It's from May, 2020, and I felt amazing after taking it this week. Check out the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra Meditation also because we all need healing in so many forms.⠀
Sending you love and wishes for light at the end of the tunnel.⠀
See Links for both locations in my BIO....⠀
#yogapractice #yoga #asana #pranayama #meditation #tantriccore #mahamrityunjayamantra #mantra #healing #staysteady #manageyourbreath #manageyourmind #tantraflowyoga
I’m sharing some tips that have been helpful for me on this trip to a very dry area during an unstable time.  Anyone else feeling dryness or instability?  If so, watch and try these tips out.  Let me know how it goes.

#dryair #seasameoil #gamechanger #ujjaibreathing #ittakeseffort #strongdiaphragm #ayurveda #thisisalsoyoga #tantraflowyoga #ridethewavesoflife
Life is full of duality—beautiful and challenging all at once. This week, I had to step back from teaching live classes to support my family through a difficult time. Yet, I find myself leaning on the very practices I share with you all. Though I can't be there in-person, my on-demand classes are still here for you… and for me. This is when the practice matters most; when life asks us to be strong and soft, to hold space for others and ourselves.⠀
If you need a moment of stillness, I invite you to explore the 400+ classes in my on-demand library. They’ve been my anchor this week, and I hope they can be yours too. 🙏💛 ⠀
Deep breaths and lots of love,⠀
Link in BIO.⠀
#tantraflowyoga #duality #wereallhuman #pranayama #selfcareresources #grateful
Happy Navaratri!  Welcome to the holiday shared in India where, in the Autumn and Spring, time is set aside to honor the Divine Mother in a variety of her features. It is often considered a spiritual cleanse, where one remembers that the inner world is of most importance. When the inner world is established, then the outer world falls into place.

Navaratri is celebrated over nine nights (and days). Each night is attributed to one of the aspects of Her, as we call on those specific features to improve our positive qualities. 

Today is devoted to Goddess Shailaputri, the daughter of the mountains. She invites us to become as strong as a mountain with any of our intentions, especially during this time, so that nothing stops us. While our strength may be solid, we are asked to remain porous and soft inside. 

Most strength is found through vulnerability and, imperfection. So, today, while you may need to be strong to get through the day, refrain from being rigid. Instead, try to be porous and allow yourself to feel things and move through you. 

#navaratri #ninenights #divinemother #devimahatmya #shailaputri #dayone #strongasamountain #softassilk #thereismoretoyogathanasana #thisisthemore #tantraflowyoga
I send my loving wishes for a Happy Rosh Hashana to all who celebrate this time!

It's interesting that this holiday also falls on the Solar Eclipse today, and that it is on a New Moon, when it's good to start new things. And that it takes place right before Navaratri, the nine-night celebration of the Divine Mother.

Personally, I do believe that different faiths align with each other in the cosmos. 

Out beyond the beliefs, opinions, and judgements of others, beyond the stars and what is known by humans, I will meet you there, sharing the main message underneath it all. 


#happyroshhashana #newmoon #eclipse #navaratri #itsallone #tantraflowyoga
In the video that I posted last Friday, sharing about my current situation of lots of unknowns - Deepest Bow of Gratitude to All of you who sent kind wishes, words and helping vibrations - I mentioned that I was leaning towards the aspect of the Divine Mother, Bhuvaneshwari.⠀
I first started calling on her almost 10 years ago when my mum was diagnosed with cancer and had to undergo surgery and start chemo, while I was leading a retreat in India. After that retreat, I went to the Himalayan Institute's ashram outside of Khajuraho for a planned 3+ week of in-depth practice. We had no cell phone service, no internet. I had no idea what was happening in the States. The silence and lack of updates was killing me.⠀
This is when I began to lean towards this beautiful, loving energy. ⠀
Bhuvaneshwari is the deity who rules space. Process that...⠀
- There is space between objects. Imagine that She is dwelling in that space. ⠀
- There is space between words. What if She is guiding us to listen and speak carefully? ⠀
- There is space between the breath. What if that was not a fear or accomplishment, but Her, filling you. ⠀
- There is space between thoughts. What if we pause and feel Her expand in our mind (and heart) while thoughts do what they do. ⠀
- The more we pay attention to the space, the more Her presence can expand.⠀
In that light, there is also space while we are where we are and wondering where we will go and how will we get there. ⠀
So many people are wondering about their life, what to do next, where is it going, is this all there is to life? Instead of sitting in that insecurity and wrestling with it, consider leaning towards Her. Let Her fill you in the wide field of the unknown. Maybe She created the unknown for us to marinate before the next event or answer.⠀
Wherever you are, look around for space. And pause, consider a sacredness that dwells and fills it. Let that sacredness then seep into your heart. ⠀
This is how we turn a challenging situation into an opportunity to deepen our relationship with Nature and the Sacred. ⠀
#bhuvaneshwari #space #leanintotheunknown #getfilled #nospiritualbypassing #spiritualutilization #tantraflowyoga