Introduction to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras
Welcome to an accessible opportunity to learn about the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in a fun, enthusiastic, meaningful, and even humorous approach.

These teachings have lasted thousands of generations, even hundreds before they were written.
The philosophy of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras is not only helpful for the sincere yoga practitioner, it can also serve as helpful inspiration for mental health and well-being.
Join Jeanne in three one-hour videos as she provides you the backstory and then helps you dip into the scripture, step by step. Notes referring to new material is provided so that you can follow along with ease.
We use the translation by Sri Swami Satchidananda, and you can also use any other translation that you may have with you.
Yoga Philosophy is not boring!
It is passionate, fulfilling, and can help you change your view of the world towards a positive perspective that helps you and those around you. I wish this for you from these easy visits together.
Students who complete the videos and the Homework Assignment are eligible for 5 hours of Continuing Education Credits with Yoga Alliance.