A Weekend in Dublin with Jeanne Heileman: Dec 2015
Location: The Yoga Room
Address: 262 Merrion Road, Dublin 4, Ireland
Dates: December 5 – 6, 2015
Cost: €30 each class / €50 for both
To pay with a credit card, call +353 1 219 6666
For more info, email: [email protected]
Workshop Details
Terminate Tense Shoulders with Jeanne Heileman
Date: Saturday, December 5, 2015
Time: 12:15pm – 3:00pm
In this Master Class, Jeanne will address the tension and limitations that dwells in the shoulder region. When we have limitations in this area, it leads to neck pain, upper back problems and even breathing problems. We will move gradually, safely and adapt poses to the needs of all students. We will open and then strengthen the shoulder joint, learning about the body parts so you can care for yourself after the Workshop. By moving upside down in poses, it begins to shatter our limitations and we begin to become lighter, seeing new possibilities and joy. This workshop is safe for those who have had some yoga practice and are able to hold Downward Facing Dog & Plank Poses for 30 seconds.
[dt_button animation=”scale” size=”medium” color=”” link=”https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ws.asp?sDate=12%2F05%2F2015&sLoc=1&sTG=23&sType=-104&sclassid=352&studioid=20860″ target_blank=”true”]RESERVE YOUR SPOT HERE![/dt_button]
*Prior booking is essential! Make sure you reserve your spot
Hip Openers for Everyone with Jeanne Heileman
Date: Sunday, December 6, 2015
Time: 12:30pm – 3:30pm
Focusing on opening the hips from all 6 directions! This session opens with a discussion on the hips and the different movement directions that the hips provide. Students then move into a flow practice to warm up the body, followed with long deep holds in poses to release tight muscles in the Physical Body. Unique in this workshop is the application of “Chakra” work through imagery, mantra and breathing techniques that release holding in the Subtle and Emotional Body. We end in a challenging pose, which varies depending on the group – which many students are surprised to find themselves master!
[dt_button animation=”scale” size=”medium” color=”” link=”https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ws.asp?sDate=12%2F06%2F2015&sLoc=1&sTG=23&sType=-104&sclassid=353&studioid=20860″ target_blank=”true”]RESERVE YOUR SPOT HERE![/dt_button]
*Prior booking is essential! Make sure you reserve your spot
Jeanne Heileman specializes in discovering the needs of an individual and gently guiding each student to their own grace and balance. She creates a safe haven for students to dive deep, find their edge, and transform. Jeanne teaches with sensitivity, generosity of spirit and a good dose of humor. Founder of Tantra Flow Yoga, Jeanne brings together her years of studies and teaching skills into a style of yoga inclusive of asana, Ayurveda, mindfulness, with the added focus of the poses’ energy. She studied extensively in Ashtanga, Iyengar, Anusara, ParaYoga, Vini and Trantra Yoga (500-ERYT, ParaYoga Level II Certified, YogaWorks Senior Teacher) and tours internationally teaching Teacher Trainings, Workshops, and Retreats.