Tantra Flow Yoga™ 200-Hour

Next Course: 2022 TBD
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This is no ordinary 200-hour yoga teacher training program. In Tantra Flow Yoga’s 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training, we focus on the outer layer of a being, the Annamaya Kosha; the physical body.

Tantra Flow Yoga School holds the Tantric belief that the body is a temple. We honor and tend to the whole body because, in the Tantric perspective, the Divine dwells within it. Thus, our body is a tool for spiritual practice. Asana is the first step on this path.

In addition to learning anatomy and clean alignment, we follow the ascent of the Chakras through their elements and their influence on the poses and sequencing. For example, where and how the feet (aspects of the First Chakra,) are placed can have a tremendous impact on alignment for the entire body and the fullest expression of a pose.

You will learn how to safely sequence a class, give intelligent adjustments, and develop the ability to communicate the instruction clearly for meaningful yoga classes. The Philosophy of Yoga covers the ancient history and lineage of this sacred practice in a fun and captivating manner. You will be introduced to the ancient practice of Ayurveda and how to care for yourself on and off the mat. In essence, I bring the feeling of India, the birthplace of Yoga, to you through the course.

If you want to become yoga teacher, this training is for you. If you love yoga and want to learn more about this powerful practice, this training is for you. You will leave with deeper knowledge of the history and lineage of this ancient practice and disciplined techniques to practice and teach wisely. Most importantly, you will leave with a life-long personal practice to carry you through the rest of your life. This is priceless.

Tantra Flow Yoga is a Yoga Alliance registered school. Upon completing the requirements of the training, you will be eligible to register through Yoga Alliance as a 200-hour level teacher.

Tantra Flow 200 yoga pose with leg stretched backwards
tantra flow yoga 200 side bend pose
tantra flow 200 back bend

What Will I Learn?

Topics included:

  • Daily asana practice
  • Pranayama and meditation
  • Anatomy of the physical body
  • Variations and modifications of poses
  • Hands-on adjustments
  • Practice-teaching with teacher feedback
  • Vinyasa Krama: intelligent sequencing to
    keep the body and energy safe
  • Philosophy: Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita
  • Introduction toAyurveda: The Wisdom of Living
  • Restorative Yoga
  • Yoga for pregnancy
  • Working with injuries
  • Business of Yoga: How to take your knowledge out into the world
  • Speaking your voice: How to communicate to your students clearly
  • Chanting of sacred mantras daily
  • Basic Sanskrit for teaching yoga
tantra flow yoga 200 seat pose
yoga warrior pose
Two people in yoga class with Jeanne Heileman assisting
Jeanne teaching yoga poses

What will I be able to do?

Upon course completion, students will be able to:

  • Identify action points, alignment and mechanics of yoga postures and apply them to both personal and teaching practices according to individual or group needs
  • Improve the quality of depth and awareness in asana practice
  • Cultivate a greater knowledge of the physical body through yoga and anatomy
  • Articulate a greater understanding and familiarity of Pranayama techniques and experience weaving them into practice.
  • Refine verbal and non-verbal communication skills through practice teaching and hands-on adjustments
  • Develop Vinyasa Krama, intelligent sequencing, to keep the body and energy safe
  • Outline knowledge of Ayurveda: The Wisdom of Living and how to bring greater harmony with Nature in one’s own body
  • Outline a working knowledge of two main yoga scriptures: Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and the Bhagavad Gita, and be able to apply them to your teaching
  • Outline knowledge of Restorative Yoga’s effects on the body and be able to integrate this into your teaching
  • Cultivate knowledge of working with special populations, including injuries and pregnant women, and apply this knowledge to modifying and adapting postures
  • Discuss the Business of Yoga and how to take your knowledge into the world.
  • Distinguish boundaries for classroom management
  • Identify basic Sanskrit names and definitions for yoga teaching